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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Loose by Design

Any Plan should Not be a Rigid Plan.
Military planners have a saying: Any war plan is no good after the first day. Meaning: The forces of chaos will always interfere with your long-term plans. You must build into your plan some flexibility.
-Expect things not to happen on time.
-Expect stuff to break down.
-Expect an outside entity to not behave as expected.

But there is another benefit to having a plan with a loose enough structure to allow changes on the fly. Sometimes an unexpected event will occur that will advance your project a beneficial way. It is similar to my philosophy about handling chaos when trying to accomplish something:

Surf the Wave.
Surfboarding is literally riding chaos. The hydrodynamics involved with an ocean wave rising and cresting is unpredictable. Surfers instead shoot themselves into the situation and make adjustments to ride it out. The lesson is instead of fighting these opposing forces, work them into plan. This gets you prepared for contingencies in a way that you already know how to deal with, so they won't slow you down.

- Extra cash on hand
- Put in a buffer of extra time in the plan
- Have backups of all normally used tools
- Check things you don't normally check
- Perform thought experiments (What if we did this?)

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