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Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Review of "Jesus Camp"

There is a disturbing divide in what is sensible teaching of religion (any religion) and promoting intolerance. Any good religion teaches tolerance and forgiveness. Any good religion does not see others as enemies, but rather people to understand and find peace. “Jesus Camp” has no sinister intent for 90% of the content taught to the children. Just as well, these are mostly children willing to be totally immersed in the teachings and have potential for developing into well intentioned and successful lives. As much as they are trying to create their own “army”, they will not be able to enlist the general public into the more radical elements of removing the separation of Church and State.

However, that small 10% of their indoctrination of how they should view other people who do not subscribe to their beliefs, is disturbing. The child's bright disposition changes to an ugly hate when they say they don't care about people who are pro-choice or have other conflicting beliefs. No religion espouses changing their government. Especially in this country, that was founded to escape religious persecution. The last thing our founding fathers wanted was an official government religion. When God is mentioned anywhere in our government, it is not referring to a specific version of God based on any one religion, but on somewhat more like a Unitarian position.

When I watch this documentary, I don't despise or hate anyone presented. They are free to practice to any extreme beliefs. They are also welcome in trying to recruit others. There is no violent or illegal approach to their cause. But that is what makes me different from those featured brainwashing the children. I don't look at 'them' and think that are lessor people, as much as I don't think that I am any greater than any other people. But I hope all these children learn tolerance, or they are shutting out a natural curiosity of what else is out there in the world. I find value in every belief. I mostly understand where these conflicting beliefs come from. Just as well, I certainly don't think I have lived a life for God, other than the God that is Me. And I have tried my best for Me to live the most pure and enjoyable life I can imagine.

I believe it is ridiculous to concentrate on abortion when there is far more horrendous and unjust murders occurring around the world. It is also ridiculous to withhold information about contraception, thus increasing the likelihood of a need for an abortion. I believe anyone can live in accordance with their religious beliefs, but instead of spending too much time re-iterating their allegiance, they should go about their own human pursuits. One can have a balance of how much time they spend to purely remind themselves of what life is all about, along with going out and living that life.


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